Posted January 5, 2023
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  • | Patient Outcomes

2023 New Year’s Resolutions for Healthcare Workers

Let 2023 be the year you resolve to engage in meaningful self-care, because you can’t show up for your patients if you don’t show up for yourself.

Self-care isn’t just advised, it’s paramount. This is true for everyone, but it is especially so for healthcare workers. You can’t work toward better patient outcomes if you are running on empty.

The start of a new year is the ideal time to pause, reflect and resolve for the year ahead. Healthcare workers across the continuum of care, repeat after us!

In 2023, I resolve to… 

Exhale. You’ve mastered the art of breathing underwater. In 2023, it’s time to emerge and exhale. 

Be present. Showing up is the first step. Being present in the moment is going to take a little more strength. 

Be counted. Speak up with confidence. Your views are important to you and your patients. Now is the time to voice them.

Question. Status quo hit the highway in early 2020. Healthcare is fluid. Question everything! 

Reach out. Knowledge is power, and technology is the shortcut. Connect with colleagues. There’s safety in numbers. 

Initiate. Follow through and make it better. Empower yourself to lead the change. 

Thrive. You’ve endured the last three years with grit and grace. This year, you flourish.

Reflect. It’s been some storm, but it didn’t weaken your resolve. Revel in the fact that you’re still here.

Look ahead. The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. Just keep looking up! 

Rediscover. Everything has changed. Find the time to reconnect with what’s really important.

How will you make time for self-care in 2023? Now is the time to set intentions and lay the groundwork for a more peaceful and balanced new year.

EHOB is here to support you in the new year with products that enable better patient outcomes and worker care.  See all of EHOB’s acute care products here.